Job Description

Implementation Task Force


The Marion County Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Plan sets a goal, aligned with the Federal Ending the HIV Epidemic goal, to reduce the number of new HIV infections in the United States by 75% by 2025, and then by at least 90% by 2030, for an estimated 2,000 total HIV infections averted in Marion County during the coming decade. The burden of HIV in Marion County is carried disproportionately by people of color, particularly by African Americans, in patterns that are linked to larger social, economic, legal and health disparities. Accordingly, the Marion County Public Health Department, the Indiana Department of Health, and the many organizations and leaders participating in the Ending the HIV Epidemic Task Force commit to a focus on racial and health equity as a central aspect of achieving progress against HIV, STIs, and viral hepatitis during the coming years. The plan is designed to monitor and track specific measures of progress on the four pillars of diagnose, prevent, treat, and respond. 

Our vision is that Marion County and Indiana can become a place where new HIV transmissions and cases of AIDS are rare, people living with HIV have treatment and services to support health and prevention, and few people are vulnerable or exposed to the virus. Our vision is aligned with the Vision of the National Strategic Plan: A Roadmap to End the Epidemic for the United States, 2021 – 2025:  The United States will be a place where new HIV infections are prevented, every person knows their status, and every person with HIV has high-quality care and treatment and lives free from stigma and discrimination. This vision includes all people, regardless of age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, geographic location, or socioeconomic circumstance. Our vision is also aligned with the Vision for Healthy People 2030: A society in which all people can achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the lifespan.

Roles & Responsibilities

The Ending the HIV Epidemic Task Force will maximize the authentic engagement of the community, especially priority populations, to end the HIV epidemic in Marion County. The members of the Task Force will:

  1. Highlight successes and best practices in ending the epidemic.
  2. Strategize on directing/redirecting efforts to impact priority populations.
  3. Engage communities disproportionately impacted by HIV.
  4. Ensure that the principles of health equity and social justice are incorporated into the implementation process.
  5. Grow community partnerships to facilitate deeper understanding of the issues and an investment in ending the epidemic.

Structure & Membership

The Task Force, led by co-chairs, will have four standing committees as well as the establishment of ad-hoc committees as needed to address key topics and/or concerns.


The Steering Committee will plan and organize meetings of the Task Force, document and share meetings for access and transparency, and facilitate the ongoing review of the implementation plan and metrics.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee will seek nominations for Task Force members, co-chairs, and committee chairs. The committee will lead the orientation and onboarding of members as well as exit interviews as membership changes over time. The membership committee will prioritize engagement, leadership, and representation from priority populations.


The Data Committee will develop and maintain a dashboard for the Task Force to monitor progress against the goals of the plan. This committee will coordinate county and statewide reporting as well as integration with America’s HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard (AHEAD). This committee will also assist the Task Force by providing analysis of identified areas of study and discussion with the community for targeted action.


The Communications Committee will plan for the strategic sharing of information, recommendations, and Task Force activities across multiple media channels. This committee will define various targeted audiences and advise on the best ways to reach these groups.


The Ad-hoc Committees will be activated to conduct a deeper dive into understanding priority populations, barriers to reaching the goals of the plan, and reviewing best practices with relevance to Marion County. These committees work will culminate in facilitated presentation and discussion of the full Task Force on an identified area or priority population to guide further action.


The membership of the Task Force and its committees shall be diverse, with expertise in the following areas: 

  • lived experience with HIV
  • communities disproportionately impacted by HIV
  • mental and physical health
  • faith communities
  • nutrition
  • social services
  • substance use disorder
  • public service
  • civic engagement


This EHE Task Force is officially appointed by the Marion County Public Health Department and the Indiana Department of Health. In its role, the Task Force will focus on the priority populations as identified in the EHE plan. They include:

  • People living with HIV (PLHIV)
  • Black/African Americans
  • Gay men and other MSM
  • Heterosexual women and men
  • Young people age <25
  • People born outside the US
  • Hispanic/Latinx
  • People who inject drugs
  • People who are transgender

How We Will Accomplish Our Work

The EHE Task Force will meet at least six (6) times per year and shall establish a regularly scheduled meeting time in collaboration with other key HIV meetings to avoid duplication of meeting times/dates. In between meetings of the Task Force, the committees will be active. All meetings shall be held virtually until further notice and will be recorded for transparency and posted on The Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis website.

To invite the best authentic engagement during meetings, we will all abide by these guidelines:

  1. Come to the meeting with a positive attitude.
  2. Treat members with respect both, during the meeting and outside of the meeting.
  3. Be prompt in arriving to the meeting and in returning from breaks.
  4. Turn cell phone off or to vibrate.
  5. Talk one at a time, waiting to be recognized by the meeting leader.
  6. Limit side conversations.
  7. Be patient when listening to others speak and do not interrupt them.
  8. Be respectful of other people’s ideas or situations when they talk.
  9. Speak from your own experience and allow others to share their own experiences.
  10. When conflicts arise that cannot be resolved in the meeting, they will be addressed promptly and respectfully outside of the meeting construct.